Thinking About Selling Your House?

Selling your house can be a very overwhelming prospect. The thought of buying a house, selling a house, moving, changing you address is enough to overwhelm anyone. But usually that's overshadowed by the idea of moving to a new place that you love and suits your needs better than where you are.

I want to talk about a the two biggest misconceptions people have about selling their house.

#1: A lot of folks think a house has to be PERFECT in order to sell it.

That's not true. Buyers will deal with all sorts of issues. It just depends on what the issue is and if there are enough good things (things they love) to offset the issues. So don’t worry if your house has some (or many) imperfections. All houses do. We will help you decide where to spend your money on repairs or upgrades before selling.

#2: Too often, folks make the wrong improvements.

It may make sense to fix or upgrade some things at your house in order to make it sell for a higher price. But you have to make sure you spend your money on the RIGHT things. You have to spend your money on those things that WILL make a difference in the price you can command for the house. Spending it in the wrong places is like flushing your money down the toilet. Don't do it. Some things add value, some things don't. Let us help you understand all that.

So, if you're ready to sell -- or just want to get more information, call or text us at 314.451.2440 or email We will gladly come by and take a look at your house and tell you what we think it can be sold for.

We would love to hear from you and help you sell your house. Reach out anytime.

Featured Image: by Kirk Thornton on Unsplash


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