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Thinking About Buying a House?

Folks come to us either wanting to buy a house, sell a house or both. Since these are among the largest transactions you will do in your life, it's understandable that they would be stressful and sometimes overwhelming.

But it does't have to be that way.

We know what we're doing and work closely with you through the entire process. You never have to worry about not knowing what to do next.

Getting Started

When you're buying a house, you first have to find the house you like and is within your price range. Kind of obvious, right? Here are some simple steps to get going.

Step 1: Get pre-approved.

Pre-approval is easy. If you have a bank, credit union or Mortgage broker that you like to work with, great. Give them a call and tell them you want to get Pre-approved for a home purchase.

If you don’t have anyone you normally work with, just call 314.517.0262 or email ( John Charlton over at CNB STL Bank in Maplewood. The first thing he will ask you to do is to fill out this form, (it's so simple and only takes a minute) so I suggest most folks just start there.

CNB is a local bank, they have great rates, and most importantly, they know Saint Louis and take great care of our clients. Pre-approval is easy. Only takes a few minutes and they only need basic information.

Step 2: Find a House.

Easy right? Well, it depends. Houses are all different and have so many different attributes. Some have yards, some have driveways, some have garages, some have 5 bedrooms, some have 1 bedroom, some are brick, some are vinyl siding, some have big kitchens, some have little kitchens. Some are in great shape, some are in terrible shape, some are close to your job, some are far from your job.... They're all different.

The only way you'll really nail down exactly what you want is to walk through houses. Go to open houses, get on Zillow,, or whatever website you like to look at houses on and shop. I don't have to tell you that, you're probably already doing it! Just know that it's an important (and fun) part of the process. It's how you figure out what you like and what you don't.

Then, when you want to see a house, let us know. Just call or text us at 314.451.2440 or email us and we'll schedule a time to get you in. It's that simple. We often hear from our very kind and considerate clients, "oh, I don't want to bother you or waste your time" Don't worry about wasting our time or bothering us -- it's what we do! We love doing it.

Obviously, there's more to it, but that's the starting place for buying a house.

What questions do you have? Call or text us at 314.451.2440 or email us.

Photo by Kirk Thornton on Unsplash